
History of Snowboarding

Snowboarding is still a relatively new sport, with much of the growth being in the past 10 years as it became more mainstream. The early days set the pace for our industry and future generations of snowboarders.
They started snowboard companies, designed the first snowboards and invented snowboarding. Every move, every trick, every board has been derived by the riding of these pioneers. Some of which are still around…and some of which have passed on. Each generation has learned from the previous…gaining more skills, expanding the sport and creatively building boards to be better.

One of the best finds I’ve seen on the history of snowboarding has been the EXPN history of Snowboarding time line. As snowboarders we should understand where this sport came from and key events in our history that makes snowboarding what it is.

Learn about the Craig Kelly sponsorship battle between Sims and Burton, that years that bindings, boots were developed, what leading company tried to patent the snowboard and much much more in our history.

Here’s the History of Snowboarding:

Part 1: 1960-‘s-1970’s
Part 2: 1980’s
Part 3: 1990’s

A lot has happened since the 1990’s to the present state of snowboarding. Maybe in the future Part 4 and more will be written.

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