
Shayboarder.com changes coming up!

So I wanted to give people a heads up on some changes in store for shayboarder.com.  I’m still Shayboarder and the site is still continuing on but with a new updated look to it.

New Site

It’s been a long time in the making and with the help of a friend of mine it’s finally coming along. I could launch it right now but the last step is moving the newest content over. But I am happy that it’s ready to go and in less than a week, you will come to the site and see this version.

[singlepic id=4531 w=400 h=291 float=]

Here are some of the changes that are occurring in the new site:

Advertising: I put a lot of thought into whether I wanted/needed/should have advertising. I’ve accepted limited advertising on the blog, very minimal in two locations and I hope it doesn’t change the feel of coming to this site. My main concern is being able to be unbiased as possible. Advertising won’t impact my editorial content/opinions and if it does, I won’t feature it anymore.

Newsletter: I wanted to give a heads up on this change because it impacts everyone subscribed to the shayboarder.com email newsletter. The newsletter will change to a more compact, less bandwidth version with clips of each article and you’ll have to come to shayboarder.com to read the entire article. If this is a problem, please email me because I have the option to change it back to the original format where each article is fully in the email.

Links: Instead of being on the homepage where links alone take up half of the page, I’ve moved links to be it’s own page on shayboarder.com with links to blogs, shops, websites and companies that I support and appreciate. To get to the links page, it is featured on the right tab with easy access.

Comments:  I have always been open to comments even if they are unfavorable to me, I think everyone has a right to say what they would like but I moderated against crap/spam in the past and any comments that did not offer substance I pointed out.  Now with the new site, I approve all comments and if it’s spam, it’ll be deleted right away, if it’s unfavorable and if you hate a post and offer up substance to the comment it’ll be fine.  You can hate me but if you take the time to write down why you hate me, I have no problem with that and will gladly comment back.  So just wanted to give a heads up that the comments have to approved and in the past they went up automatically, so a change there.

Let me know if you have any concerns and your thoughts…I’m really excited to make the switch and a huge thanks to my friend Mike for investing so much time on helping me with this.

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  • Martin
    June 7, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    cool – I can't wait to see the new site!

    I am also working on changing my website up… its a bit to dark for my taste

  • Shayboarder
    June 8, 2009 at 12:36 am

    Thanks Martin! It should be less than a week away till the switch is done and get to check it out in it's glory.

    Nice on changing your site up, always good to make it better and with your taste to it.

  • Anonymous
    June 8, 2009 at 10:37 am

    damn right! I've been thingking about the amount of work you put in and no advertisements. I dont know why you wouldnt of done it before.hell they dont even need to be snowboard advertisements. just anything for you to get some money back for your blogging. Keep up the good work!

  • Shayboarder
    June 9, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    Thanks anonymous, I definitely put my heart and soul into this blog.

    I'm pretty picky when it comes to ads and I don't want people to come here and get turned away from ads. We'll see how it goes, working on the media kit now and the best part is because it's minimal…I consider it more valuable.