
June 4/23/11

With June Mountain closing, it was an easy decision to plan to ride June one day this weekend before they close for the season.  We packed up the car, loaded it up with our gear, picked up the aussie crew and headed up the highway for the easy drive to June.  On the way, I got the call that my brother was driving into town and would meet up for riding.

It worked out perfectly for timing and it was a great decision for June.  There were no lines and a mix of sunny to cloudy conditions but the mountain and parks were ours.

For most of the day, the skier and Nosey switched out filming each other.  The shots ended up coming out great especially the follow cam

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It was a blast riding with everyone, especially getting out with my brother who normally wouldn’t ski the park.  We ended up getting him to get air and he did hit a jump by the end of the day!  Here’s one of his airs of the day.

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Nosey on the jump line

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Victoria getting air on the jump landings

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Jenna on the flat box in the upper park

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June has some rad things in progress for when the mountain closes.  Expect some big air from what they are building here…like really big air.

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I made Brett my brother hug the metal ball jib for a photo op – while no one was gonna hit it.  Park etiquette and all.

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We took a couple laps and then called it a day at the lodge with beers before doing one last run.  We could have downloaded but no downloading today, we rode the very melted last run down J1.

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