Riding Journal

Stevens Pass 2/19/10

Every time I visit Seattle, a trip to Stevens Pass is always in the cards to get in some much needed snowboarding time.  It’s my old stomping grounds & place of employment before I moved to Colorado so it always holds a place close to my heart.  I woke up this morning in Seattle and made the 1.5 hour drive to the mountains just in time for a late morning shredfest.  Erik was supposed to be my riding buddy but unfortunately he couldn’t make it so it was just Dennis, Lee and myself for laps.

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I’ve known Dennis from my snowboard.com days, he’s been my roommate and friend for years so it’s always fun to hit up the mountain where he works and get some shred time in together.  Dennis also hooked me up so I could ride for the day, thank you Dennis!

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The northwest started out on with great snowfall that allowed for an early opening but it hasn’t been a typical “tons of snow” season there which was clear on the drive up where it was a bit too green and not enough white on the sides of the highway.  Regardless of the snow, we headed to the Top Phlight Terrain Park for some laps in the sun.  Stevens Pass does a great job with their pass program and educating riders before going into the park.  I received my park pass for the day so I could lap park with Dennis.

My first lap I made a stupid mistake by going a little too big in the pipe, hitting the deck and falling back into the pipe which made my butt and back super sore for riding (still feeling it very good).  The rest of the day I stuck to the boxes to play around on while Dennis hit the jump line.

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Dennis on the big jump line at Stevens

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After a couple laps we met up with Lee who I know from the blog and his knowledge of C3 products you’ll see his comments on the blog often helping me out with great C3 answers!

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We ended the day with freeriding the backside of the mountain and calling it an early day after 2pm so I could head into the city for family time.

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  • j
    February 19, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    shit, if i knew you were around i woulda rolled up

  • Shay
    February 19, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    Aww sorry about that! I’ll be at Holy Oly tomorrow on Summit East will you be coming up for that?

  • walove
    February 21, 2010 at 9:08 am

    I’ve gotten decked in that poorly cut pipe more then once, but i do miss all those nice park jumps since leaving washington.