
Industry Profile: Timebomb Trading Marketing Director David Birnie

Job Title: Marketing Director/ Teams Manager
Employer: Timebomb Trading Distribution (Canada 32/etnies,Dragon, Stance and LRG)
Years on snow: 20
Days on snow: 70 chair days, -2 days hiking, split board still in the wrapper
Currently Riding: Dinosaurswilldie jkwon 155 with Union Cobra Dogs
Currently I am: Kidding myself on learning anything new on a skateboard, old dog new tricks…..

Shay: Tell us a little bit about yourself :
David: I’m a very love me or hate me type of guy, I ran out of sugar coating years ago

Shay: How has snowboarding changed your life?
David: As a teen I made fun of all my friends for bailing on skateboarding in the winter. Then I went out and tried it and then discovered how much fun it is, powder changed my life.

Shay: How did you get your start in the industry, who or what opened up more opportunities for you?
David: I started working at a shop in 93 called Gold Coast on Vancouver Island BC. Then a few of us started a shop called the District, a few years passed. I found myself in Vancouver at a tradeshow got offered a job at Timebomb Trading. 11 years later I’m in charge of Marketing and Team Manager

Shay: How has your previous education or work experience helped you in your current job?
David: I would say my life experience and skateboarding since I was 14 and snowboarding since I was 19 have really helped me. Education wise I went to college to be a school teacher, not sure if that really helps me.

Shay: Tell us about your role as at Timebomb Distribution and a description of the work you do?
David: I handle the marketing for the brands, budgets, advertising, events, PR, team management, I also wear the black hat as no one else seems to like being the reality checker around here.

Shay: If you had to make up a job title that most accurately described what you REALLY do, what would it be?
David: Fancy Title would be VP of Marketing

I’m very hands on with all the day to day needs of the brands. Lots of emails, texts, phone calls ,skyping. Staying in a constant loop with all these brands, sales reps, sales managers and I work really closely together to make sure we all stay on the same page. Dealing with team riders is a full time job as well so some days are a bit crazy trying to balance it all.

Shay: Describe the craziest day/moment you’ve had at your job?
David: 7 years ago I was at SIA, clearly trying to be crowned the drunkest TM there. Ended up in hand cuffs in the back room of the Mandalay Bay for 2 hours. Turns out it wasn’t me it was Sean Hoglin a photographer that had spit and thrown a drink in some girls face. I was still escorted out of the hotel and told never to come back. Denver has been a nice change of pace.

Shay: What are some memorable experiences from working in the industry?
David: Good friends, road trips, powder days on a work day, who doesn’t love pulling a bungee, cat boarding with accounts, free heli trips as a thank you.

Shay: What do you think are the biggest challenges that the snowboard industry faces and what changes would you like to see for the future?
David: Everyone says bring the fun back I’m not sure where it went for so many people.

Shay: What advice would you give to people wanting to work in the industry?
David: Drink the kool-aid just enough to numb you.

Find out more at:
Facebook:  Timebomb Trading
Instagram: timebombtrading

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  • Johan
    September 4, 2012 at 2:36 pm

    Besides that fact that he still wears skinny ass gear with floral colors at Baker, and cant’t get away from running a leg bag, Birnie is the shit. Plain and simple. Love ya, nice read.